Focal JM Lab Profile 928

I was checking out the Focal profile series but I can't find much in the way of literature or reviews on this speaker. Does anyone have any experience with this line? It is a very beautiful and sculpted piece and would fit my need for a speaker with a low profile quite nicely. Music Direct is closing the line out for a 50% off discount. Does this speaker have good dispersion and center fill properties like I hear about the Gallo Ref 3.1's? If so, this may just be what I'm looking for.
i have the profile 918.great speaker with all types of music.from reviews i have read i dont think you will go wron with anything focal produces especially at half price.
I've decided to jump on a pair of 918's from a fellow audiogoner. I need something with a small footprint to replace my JBL 120 Ti's that I bought in 1985 but still sound fantastic- just don't look too modern. I hope the Focals can fill the bill. I do have tile floors so will be needing something to put under them. Does anyone know if any company makes outrigger stands for them? Something like Thiel uses would be great
I have a pair of the 928's and I love them. I added speaker outriggers after my German Shepard knotted one over. I got the speakers from Music Direct about 4 years ago. I'm using them with a Marantz SR8002 125 Watt Receiver. They are my front speakers. I use the Gallo micros for the rest. I'm no audiophile but I love the set up. The audyssey system seemed to match them pretty well. Hope this helps.