Burmester 909's Mk5 vs Magnus MA500's

Hi fellow audio enthusiasts-- Anyone have experience with these two amps?  Thoughts on strengths and weaknesses of each and compared against each other?  Speakers are LAT-1000's with two Krell MRS subs.  Thanks in advance.  Justin
I've heard the Burmester 909 MK5 on the Burmester speakers in all Burmester setup and system, but never heard the Magnus MA500 before. The Burmester was very solid, resolving yet refined and musical. Don't know how it will sound on your LAT-10000 speakers though.
Have no idea how it compares to the Magnus, never heard the Magnus MA500 before. 

Thanks caphill.  Good to know.  Have you by chance heard D'Agostino's recent Momentum mono blocks, the M300s or M400s?  I haven't been able to listen to them either yet.

I used to own the D'Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock amps (2 pairs) driving the Wilson Audio Alexx speakers with the Audio Research Reference 10 linestage preamp and DCS Vivaldi full four stacks served as my digital front end source components. They sounded fabolous together. Recently Dan released a new series called the Relentless monoblock power amps which carries a price tag of $250k/pair. 

Early this year I went through major upgrades with my dedicated reference 2ch setup. I traded in the D'Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock amps and the ARC Ref 10 linestage preamp for the Naim Statement gears, which consist of the Naim NAC S1 linestage analog preamp and the Naim NAP S1 monoblock amps. I also traded in the Wilson Alexx for the Magico M6 speakers. But I still have the DCS Vivaldi full four stacks, which consist of Vivaldi master clock, Vivaldi upsampler, Vivaldi DAC, Vivaldi CD/SACD transport. 
The Naim Statement gears are cost-no-object design preamp & monoblock amps and are significant step up sonically and performance wise from the D'Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock amps / ARC Ref 10 linestage preamp combo but the price increase is significant too. I highly recommend the Naim Statement gears which consist of the Naim NAC S1 linestage preamp & Naim NAP S1 monoblock amps if you can swing them. They are expensive $270k for both the preamp and the monoblock amps. $90k for the NAC S1 linestage preamp and $180k for the NAP S1 for the monoblock amps. 

But I'm still using the ARC Ref 10 phonostage preamp for my turntable. I have a Kronos Pro turntable with a 12" Black Beauty tonearm, Air Tight PC-1 Supreme mc cartridge & a discrete linear class A power supply unit for the turntable. 

Your new system is just incredible!  Thank you for the detailed response and recommendations.  I'll investigate further though those price points are beyond what I'd planned to spend.  What I'm seeking is probably more in line with your original setup, but I may upgrade at some point in the future as you did.  And the investigating will be fun.  Thanks again!