Best possible separates for Thiel CS 3.7

Hi guys here's another new topic for crazy Thiel enthusiasts like me lol.
My question of the day is if you had a budget of 50K to drop in a pre-power combo to drive a pair of Thiel CS 3.7 what would be your top 3 favorite choices ?Here is what i have in mind at the moment : Ypsilon pre-power monos, KR Audio P135 + Kronzilla DX monos, and Aries Cerat Impera ll Ref + Concero 65 monos.All of these 3 pre-power combos can be purchased in Europe for just under 50K brand new.
Have a good day.
Gryphon Antileon Evo would be a very good choice with the Pandora preamp.I have demoed this combo driving Rockport Atria V2.This amp has an impressive grip on just about any speakers.
As good as Bryston is it's not in the same league as Gryphon, CH Precision, Ypsilon and Aries Cerat to name a few.
I am looking forward in reading your audition report. Safe travels.
Happy Listening!