CDs Vs LPs

Just wondering how many prefer CDs over LPs  or LPs over CDs for the best sound quality. Assuming that both turntable and CDP are same high end quality. 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
@cleeds said:
Both CD and LP are capable of extraordinary performance. And at their best, they sound very much more alike than different.
Signal to Noise Ratio: LP 50db, CD 90db
Frequency Response: LP 20-20kHz, CD 20-22kHz (a tie)
Total Harmonic Distortion: LP 1-2%, CD 0.003%
Stereo separation: LP 25db, CD 90db
All those statistics 'have little bearing on the actual sound. There are LPs and CDs that sound wonderful. and then there are LPs and CDs that sound dreadful. Particularly Rock and Roll CDs with such heavy compression.. And then old early 50's LPs. I have been going over my LP collections to weed. And have to say way too many early 1950's mono LPs sound congested, too warm a tone. (As if being played through some old 1930's radio) Oddly the same music on CD usually has a much better balance. Now some of the problems may be the LPs are worn.. Can't deny most were bought at GoodWill for $0.50 a pop over many many years. Where all my used Jazz was bought at one used record store, and even the oldest mid 50's era, sound great (compared to the Classical LPs) And CDs made from 78's.. wow very good. Sure they have some limitations in frequency response. But the music is glorious.So my early mono Classical LPs may just have seen better days. They are (at least half) being re gifted to Good WIll!
I completely agree that the performance, recording, and mastering are more important than the medium. But ceteris peribus, an LP will be better than a 78, and a CD will be better than an LP.
"But ceteris peribus, an LP will be better than a 78, and a CD will be better than an LP"

You would think so but that usually isn't the case.