The new magnificent Linear Tube Audio MicroZOTL Preamplifier

I have spent the last 48 hours, did not go to sleep last night, listening to Linear Tube Audio's new dedicated full size, full function Micro ZOTL Preamplifier and I'm amazed, mesmerized, and delighted with what Mark Schneider in conjunction with David Berning has brought to the market with this new creation.

I'm a reviewer for and about three years ago I awarded the "Product Of The Year" to the LTA ZOTLhead phone/preamplifier, which as a preamplifier completely out performed my $22,000.00 reference linestage!  Even today this remarkable piece, which sells for $1,700.00 with the upgraded power supply is still one of the best preamplifiers on the market.

Well, it took about three years for Mark to come up with a better "mouse trap". This new linestage is on a significantly higher qualitative performance level then its less expensive sibling and is driving my reference system to beautiful musical heights.  You can go to LTA's website to see how their new chassis work looks and the details of the internal quality of parts/construction and the explanation of the Berning's Zero Hysteresis Output Transfomer-Less circuit design.

Across every sonic attribute: timbres/color, image palpability/density, spatial qualities- air around players- tremendous soundstage depth/width/height, powerful overall dynamics, and deep extension with great low frequencies regarding tone/accuracy which gives a great foundation to the music.  All this and delivered with total liquidity and ease.  This preamplifier renders the illusion of real music better then any other linestage I have had in-house for review. 

My full review for, with many more superlative details, will be coming out in the next few months, just wanted to give this "heads up" to the GON members because this preamp just kills it.  By the way I believe the retail cost is 4K, which is a bargain for what you get and the "magic" it will bring to your system.

Hey soix,

The Backert Rhumba 1.2 is a wonderful preamplifier.  However, for my tastes/system the LTA preamplifier, nothing is better then this David Berning ZOTL based piece.  It provides all the qualities of a reference level linestage, like the Rhumba 1.2, and adds a special quality of "aliveness" that other preamps do not provide.
Hi @teajay 
Being interested in this preamp, as well as interested in audio terminology and understanding... could you explain what you mean by “aliveness”?? 
I am assuming it might refer to a combination of things like dynamics, speed and complet tonal harmonics? But that’s  me just theorizing a breakdown of what might make a piece of gear seem more ‘alive’. 
Hey jriggy,

Great question.  When I wrote my professional review on the Tekton Design Double Impact Speakers I used the term "aliveness" to try to convey that this speaker presented the music with the kick/pop of live music.  Yes, I could use more objective terms like macro-dynamics and transient speed.  However, there are speakers and preamps that are fast/quick, but still lack the illusion of live music in their presentation.

The LTA preamplifier has this special quality to a higher degree then any other linestage I have ever had in my system for review.

Maybe he means “aliveness” like the band is playing in the room. It certainly is for me right now. It’s breathing new life into my amp.
Thanks for the clarifications guys! As I stated, being one that is interested in audiophile terminology and how we use these terms (and sometimes differently), I seek to find a baseline of definition descriptions... Im happy this time I am on the same page with you comments.