Denon vs Rotel for B&W CM1?

Hello friends, i've been auditioning the Denon AVR-4308.
As always, Denon is quite musical and based on past ownership, very reliable. Then i went to another store and was impressed by the B&W cm1 been driven by the Rotel RSX-1550 wich puts out 100 watts x 5.

The Denon puts out 140 watts per channel at 8 ohms. It has a 2 year warranty. The Rotel has 5.

Also Rotel claims that the RSX-1550 doubles at 4 ohms for 200 watts per channel.

Does anybody have any ideas or preferences?

Thank you, Rudy

I just added RMB1075 as used my Onkyo 805 as a Preamp,and believe me when I say it I could hear the difference. At -11 DB , my B&W's(603 S3) were thundering as hard as I never knew they could.
I feel like a chump for not going seperates earlier.
As for Audessy EQ , for some it works , for others it dosent. I woudnt make it overriding criteria.
I would go Rotel, room EQ can be nice but a good room doesnt need to rely on that and we have gotten by without it all this time. I dunno how good the EQ actually is inside the Denon and some are more substantial than others and often just get you close and further adjustment is needed. I also think a better quality unit is a better option vs a mass market possibly inferior unit that can simply mask its flaws better.