Totem THE ONE vs Totem Signature One

Has any one heard these two speakers ?
I am building a second system around the Naim Nait-i2 and the Transporter from Logitec. I once owned the Model One many moons ago and very happy with their sound. Wondering how these two Totems compare to each other and how profound if any differences there are between the two speakers.
Thanks for your help,
The ONE vs TS1's are about better dynamic shadings and tonal purity assuming the ancillaries are able to resolve the differences. I think the Forest speakers are the world champs if the space allows...look Ma, no stands:)
Pulled the trigger and bought THE ONE.
Have them on auto-repeat in order to break them in.
My "The One"s are just about broken in at 200 hours. I am shooting for 300. Fantasitic, except have no lows, or mid-low punch. Can't quite hear the "wood" in violins, or the "tin" in horns. They need more bottom-end to sound full enough to do all that. Therefore, I have just ordered the Totem "Storm" subwoofer. Hope it fills in the gap. I am using high-end gear and tweaks. However, they do have more detail and clarity than my old (very full range, and very big) $6,000 Energy Veritas V2.8 speakers. How low can we go........?
If you already like what the Model One Signatures can do, than you will likely appreciate how The One's take every aspect of performance to that next level. Having owned just about every Totem currently in production, I have to say that The One's really stand above the others (to my ears) in terms of upper midrange and treble performance. The big downside however, as mentioned above, is that they can be short of providing good low end, particularly if you place them far from the rear wall.

Will you be able to justify the $1000+ price jump? That's hard to say. On my system, I'd say the additional cost was well worth it.
When I was using the Totem Model one back in the early 90s I was using it with the MUSE model 18 with a their custom crossover card for the Totems.
This Muse and the Totems worked very well for me in my old room and had this for four years before making a change.
Would agree that a sub will help but you have to choose the sub carefully.
Have not heard the Totem sub therefore cannot comment.
THE ONE is such a good speaker and it does so many things well I can live with it's lack of deep bass. Maybe I will drag it into my main listening room but that would mean dragging out the Maxx IIs, nah way too much work.
Enjoy the ONE, it a special speaker.