Help Choosing Headphone Amp for Audeze LCD-2

I have a pair of Audeze LCD-2's any I am looking for a headphone amp that could potentially play double duty as a pre-amp for my main system.

## Main System

Decware Torii Jr.
Decware ZP3
VPI Prime

## Options

I have been compiling a few options, budget is between 1k - 3k.

Arcam rHead
Ayre Codex
Naim DAC-V1

Woo Audio WA6 (USA)
Woo Audio WA7 (USA)
Woo Audio WA22 (USA)
Decware CSP3+ (SET) (USA)
Decware Taboo (SET) (USA)
Decware MiniTorii (SET/SEP) (USA)

Pass Labs HPA-1 (USA)
LTA Microzotl (USA)
Audio Technica HA5050


Ron I was about to head down that rabbit hole / merry go round in search of a headphone based system and thank goodness I happened to come across Bob Katz in-depth review of Audeze LCD 4 and the Mjölnir Bipolar mk2 amplifier .
Being familiar with Katz’s engineering work over the decades and having read some of his published books I’d take Katzs word over most anyone.
However I opted for the Audeze LCD 4Z instead of the standard LCD4 and of course the Mjölnir amplifier which retails for $2,100.00 , it’s truly a great match with Audeze phones .
More information and back ground can be found about Mjölnir Audio along with other premium builders of electrostatic and dynamic headphone amplifiers on Headcase forums .
We've been using the Bryston BHA-1 as our reference headphone amp for Audeze demos. It's also too bad the OPPO HA-1 was discontinued, because its balanced headphone output is excellent with Audeze.