Outer Platter Rings

Quit curious about outer rings, but now the two well-known products TTWeights & Universal Record Stabilizing Ring are both no longer in production. Are there other interesting ones?

Do these have a beneficial effect?

Will Wayne’s audio  outterring work with Hanna el cartridge it’s a low rider , on the first run out groove . It’s 05 mm the cartridge rides lower, any one use the combo together. thanks
I have one for my VPI Prime.  I use is for warped records only and it only works properly on the bare platter, i.e. no mat.  So it gets used sparingly.  I hear no benefit sonically for flat records.  The long and the short of it is that is is of limited benefit.
I use my VPI Peripheral Ring on my VPI platter with either a BDR screw down clamp or a Stillpoints clamp to great effect, also feel that it gives my unipivot arm it’s best chance of less movement so it will work it’s best and also adds mass as a flywheel effect. Wouldn’t use my table, Prime w/SMFA, SDS and peripheral ring with our it. Just sayin.
Hard to tell what you mean by  "05 mm".

I measured my ring to be about .01" thick at its thinnest inner diameter, the part which rides on the disk.  That's about a quarter of a millimeter.  In addition most LPs have a somewhat thicker part outside of the grooves at the beginning, which all cartridges have to deal with.

If I had a cartridge that rode so low that it couldn't deal with this ring I would think there's something wrong with the cartridge.  In fact, many years ago I was delivered a Shelter cartridge from Japan that rode very low.  I sent it back and received a replacement that rode at a correct height.

In any event you can inquire about the ring's thickness with Wayne Audio, or see if he offers a return option.