nice felt glove for moving speakers and not getting skin oil on the wood?

so i have been moving and adjusting my speakers quite a bit, i've found out of all my speakers i've owned that moving just one inch can make a difference.. huge difference.
all the touching of the cabinent has left lots of prints and oil on the cabinent that i am constantly wiping down and sometimes i miss it. i figure if i can get a nice glove that will fix things
i looked on amazon and could only find cheap cotton 12 pack of gloves that don't seem like theyd withstand the use. i want a nice pair of thick felt gloves that you get included when you buy a devialet or mark levinson.

where can i buy a pair of gloves like this? i cant find any on amazon
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Post removed 
Mechanics gloves work well for me. They have that non-slip feature on the fingers and palms and so far haven't marred the surface of anything I own. I've found cotton and microfibre gloves to allow too much slippage and therefore, not enough grip for heavier items.

All the best,