Revel F228BE

For all you Revel lovers out there and those who should be. 
I just received my new Revel F228BE speakers and after only about 12 hours on them i must say they sound absolutely amazing. 
Spectacular mids and highs, great solid and detailed rhythmic bass.  Everything i loved about the F206s and F208s but much more refined, better bass, better soundstage and hear deaper into the music. They also play louder much more easily being more efficient. 
I'm using an Ayre K-5xe MP preamp, Levinson 532H amplifier with Oppo105d playing into a Benchmark DAC2.  Cant wait til there are another 100 hours on these, I'm super happy with them already. Truly amazing speakers!
If you look at mail order brands, I think Salk and Ascend products are better at the same price range compared to Revel, at least acoustically. Visually might be a different issue (since mail order brands tend to be rectangular boxes).
Techno_dude, Well I'm listening to Tidal off my computer laptop into the Benchmark DAC and must say it sounds pretty refined and resolute but maybe for a lot more money I'm sure there's better. It sounds really really good and the Ayre MP version is a Class A recommended Stereophile component. 
What's your suggestion for under $5,000? 
That's the compliment and feedback. 
And by the way Tidal Masters sound very good. 
Techno_dude meant Thanks for the compliment and feedback! Autospell can be a pain lol
Personnally I would go with a dac wich has a very good volume control built in it. Something like the Auralic Vega G2. That way you simplify the system, less interconnects means you loose less signal along the way.

Or a preamp that has a very good dac built in it. Mcintosh C47 and C52 comes to mind. Both have Wadia DI322 variant dacs built in that are imho superior to the Benchmark DAC2. Mine ( C47) has put to shame a 8k $ dedicated dac that sits in his box since then.

Sell the Ayre, there is a reason why Ayre makes two more preamps like the KX5-20 and the KXR 20...those have better transparency and sound overall.

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