Which integrated amp for better musicality - Parasound Hint vs Primaluna vs ???

I've been having a blast looking up threads and doing some research but my dilemma is this - I want to get more enjoyment out of my music (don't we all). My Anthem and Oppo setup honestly sound great but I can't help but think that maybe I am missing out. I am thinking of upgrading some of my gear by either adding an integrated amp or separates. I'd love to hear some recommendations. Based on some reading, I am considering: 

1. Parasound Halo Integrated 6
2. Primaluna Dialogue Premium or Premium HP

My current setup is as follows: 

Oppo 105D
Anthem MRX 510 AVR
Ascend Acoustic Sierra RAAL Towers and Horizon Center

Any recommendations or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. 
An observation on the Line Magnetics... they seem to deliver a lot of power.  For example the LM=150iA is rated for 100 wpc with 2x KT150 per channel. This is driving the tubes a lot harder than the Primaluna.  It may sound wonderful, even better than the PL.  But, I am thinking it may be harder on tubes, thus requiring more frequent replacement of tubes.  

The PL delivers 96 wpc with 4x KT150 per channel, so it is driving the tubes at a lower level.  Theoretically this would extend tube life.

Just an observation.
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After trying out the LM 805ia for about a week, I returned it (since I was only borrowing it) and I now have the Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP. It sounded great out of the box but without the clarity and sparkle that the 805ia. We are not talking world's apart but there is a slight difference. Still, the Primaluna is only hours old so far so I suspect there is a bit of a burn in period. I'll reserve judgement until after 100 hours or so. 

I am very happy with it so far! 
I have the Primaluna Premium HP integrated - very musical especially with a turntable. It takes a number of hours/weeks of breaking in so give it plenty of time to come into its own. You can't judge what it is capable of the first few weeks as it breaks in.   It responds to varying cables so I found I got the most from the components after finding cables that interfaced well with my equipment. I am happy with the stock tubes. 
Do yourself a favor and bring home a Hegel h360 to demo, I was using an anthem int then went to a parasound a21 with a krell class a pre and finally the hegel brought what I call the there factor to my speakers at the time the revel salon1  and since have used them to drive VA beethovens and salon2's and remain impressed. you can find them used for as little as $3500.