Making a difficult decision

I am trying to decide between a peachtree nova 150 or a parasound 135 both are intergrated amps. The parasound has a lot of power and connectivity options. The peachtree has power and connectivity also but what worries me is in the reviews I have read the build quality and the power supply not discussed. The parasound weighs47# the peachtree is only 17# this concerns me some. I plan on using them to drive my Magnepan 1.7s. Any thoughts?
Peachtree nova 300 has good measurements, low THD well into 300 watts at 4 Ohm. Can't find any for Peachtree nova 150 though. Which Parasound are you referring to?.

I am on the fence regarding Class D or Class A/B amp too. But I am looking for just a long time amp for now.

@audiomaze, hint6 is great I have heard it. It is a good all rounder. Integrates are hard to compare in my view. What is more important for you?. With hint6 first few watts will be Class A. Not sure if that matters to you. 

Your speakers are 83 dB/1 W/1 m @ 4 Ohm btw. I am not so sure if 200 watts top spec will be enough. To reach 100 dB SPL peak(s) at 8 feet you need 200 Watts but that is too close to peak of both the amps. Sitting closer helps I think. 

I own a Peachtree Nova 300.  It's a great sounding piece and well made.  I used it with efficient Klipsch speakers, but it has enough power to drive almost any speakers.  As mentioned, it is Class D so can be smaller and lighter. 

I can't speak to either of the units you've mentioned, but I have owned a Parasound A23 amp.  It was very neutral and had plenty of power for a 125 watt amp.  I did eventually replace it with a Wyred 4 Sound Class D amp, which I felt was more detailed than the Parasound. 

The specs on the Hint's amp look similar to the A23, with the Hint having a little more power.  The Hint looks like a really nice piece.  The feature set on the Nova 300 and Hint are pretty similar.  I like the looks of the Peachtree a little better, the hint has balanced connections if that matters.  Can you listen to both?  
I used to have a Nova150.  I loved the connectivity options and even the look (ebony wood finish) but after a year the sound was simply too dry and 2 dimensional for me.  Completely a sonic preference to me, particularly as I listen mainly to jazz, acoustic, vocals, and folk/roots. I ended up going down the tube path instead which has been much more rewarding for me.  I think the Nova150 was at its best when listening to rock.  It can drive a pretty wide range of speakers fairly well.  I have not heard the Parasound.