Avantgarde Duos - right for me?

I just wanted some opinions on the Avantgarde Duos as an upgrade path for my system.

My system currently consists of Manley 300b monoblocks, Manley Shrimp preamp, Acoustic Zen speaker and interconnect cabling and Omega Superhemp single driver speakers.

Overall I have been pleased with this system and just love the strengths of an SET/single driver system. Very intimate, great speed and tone, fabulous midrange, etc.

What the system is unfortunately lacking still is big dynamics and deep bass. I have read good things about the Avantgarge Duos but I cant find a local place to audition these speakers first hand. At any rate, I would certainly be looking to buy these pricey speakers used on Agon.

Any opinions on how the Duos would sound with the Manley 300b monoblocks? How small is the "sweet spot" on the Duos? I ask this because I do a lot of entertaining and would ideally like a speaker that has a decent sized listening area. What sized room do the Duos need to sound right? My living room is 18x24. Are there any other high sensitivity speakers that would be better than the Duos?
I used 300b amps on my duo 2.2. All the SETs I tried worked well. AG is good but for the cash you can do better in front horns. You can set up a front horn in most any size room depends on design. They dont need as much room as most think but some designs need more room or they do not integrate so well.

I currently own a pair of Duo 2.2 and a pair of Omegas. I also own a pair of abbeys. I have owned the Unos and the Oris horns. Email me and we can talk on the phone. Not much for typing.

Kindest regards
Oh I forgot I owned a pair of omega super hemp speakers as well. The Omegas mentioned above are the Avantgarde Duo Omegas. I have both sets of Duos side by side.
I have very little experience with horns. Some years ago I tried to listen to some Avantgarde, but as the dealer setup was poor I was not impressed and gave up the idea. However at the 2008 Lisbon Hifishow I heard a pair of Nano's driven by a small low power transistor amplifier developed by Avantgarde and it was really the best horns I ever heard - dynamic, sweet and musical. The system was really coherent!
Unhappily I do not remember the details of this amplifier.
I currently have the Avantgarde Duo Omegas and I use them with a second pair of the 225 woofers. I find that while there is a sweet spot these speakers do an amazing job of making the music accessible to everyone in the room. I do have a fair sized room (20x25x9) which certainly helps. I've owned the Unos which are wonderful speakers, but there are significant positive differences as you move up the ladder to the Duos and then to the Duo Omegas. I've tried a number of amps with both the Unos and the Duos and I prefer a good tube amp and preamp.