The sense of smell evokes memories, while the sense of hearing evokes emotions

MrD, you touched upon this in your recent post.
I thought it was a subject worth discussing here.
Music can move us through emotional connection, it is well known.
A question for all of you.
Does playing your music on your system increase emotional connection more than playing it through a less HiFi system? 
One aspect of audio equipment marketing is for it's technical ability to bring us closer to the music by "getting out of the way" disappearing as some reviewers say. Suppose there was a speaker or amp that excelled in providing emotional connection, but measured poorly. Would you be willing to disregard the measurements and just go with your ears or  your heart and soul? I believe that SET / horns systems are an example of this. This is not about promoting SET / horns, but just brought up as an example that some people may have already reached this conclusion. Just my thoughts, I welcome civilized and rational comments. I am open to those with a deeper understanding of this subject.

But seriously, this whole subject of sensory perception and the effects of local surroundings on the perceptions of hearing, taste, touch and sight has been been discussed ad nausea by Peter (RIP) and May Belt for the past thirty years. You can get free samples of PWB Silver Rainbow 🌈  Foil and Cream Electret just by asking. Nothing like a little mind-matter interaction to enhance the audiophile experience. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. 
Playback of recorded music is the closest thing we have to a time machine. It is an art form that exists in the time domain and, unlike film, which is experienced in a similar manner, music works through a sense that doesn't require light, and at one time gave us the earliest and most accurate directional cues as to which the direction the sabre tooth tiger lurked. Even though we can't see some things, we hear them first.
geoffkait, I've found that a glass of good bourbon or Scotch works as well. I'm serious.
Whenever listening to my system I'm always sure to have a nice cup of tea and dunk a madeleine in it.  Mmmmm.