Military grade

Military grade speaker cables ?
What is this ?
A United States defense standard, often called a military standard, "MIL-STD", "MIL-SPEC", or (informally) "MilSpecs", is used to help achieve standardization objectives by the U.S. Department of Defense.

All they're looking for is compatibility with existing equipment and structures, something that can be used, reliably, in various scenarios and applications, without failure.

Is it a higher standard than what's out there? It all depends on the application and what you're willing to settle with.

All the best,


can you imagine the excitement (read audio butterflies) when I found out that an extremely limited supply of wire would be made available from the SR-71 Blackbirds.
 OMG!   Wire conditioned and aligned at Mach 3+ and an altitude of over 80,000 feet.....Combine this wire with your Seawolf deep pressure depressed (oops, meant compressed) wire and there we have it.  A spectrum so vast, sub-bass beyond Nemo on up to the Stratosphere.  Articulation and stability over three times the speed of my hearing...... my heart skipped a beat just thinking about it.

One curious point about 'military grade' claim... A lot of the junk being sold as 'military grade' FAILED to meet requirements and is sold as scrap. Picked up by junk dealers and resold to eBay buyers as 'military grade' when it fact it never made the grade. How WOULD you know??? You can't. Except using it. Does it exceed? or is it the usual trash?        
I bought a spool of 12 gauge silver plated Teflon wire seven years ago. great stuff. The latest is pure junk. Same 'specs'. yet the recent purchase was worthless and was returned. Still on eBay.. Guy must have bought a thousand spools of the stuff.