Gemme Audio Tanto V2

Anyone hear these speakers? They look beautiful, have the size and features I am looking for. Are they any good?
They're my favorite speaker to date.

Very neutral, pin point imaging, and a surprisingly amount of tight, clean bass from a small speaker.
would love to hear some actual user input about these speakers. They look great (seem to have great WAF), but I'd like to know more about their sound without being from a review.
any input will be welcome
They do look great and I wanted to like them (Katanas, that is) but couldnt really get into them. They do throw a big sound, which I like, but they seem to throw a lot of "artificial" detail at you, don't seem really natural, almost "glassy" sound....just my opinion, of course...they were set up in 2 different room at rmaf, with similar results