I have seen many people share what they have and what they have heard on audiogon and there are always a few people that come on with negative comments about the person bragging or,the put down the higher end gear that one is speaking about.  Why do you think that happens?
Judging from the many threads of late, suggesting that us lowly, lower ranked audio enthusiasts, or the public in general, somehow despise both, those with the means to buy the most pricey stuff and their uber expensive systems - I’d say it seems to be quite the opposite. There are a few on this forum, who never miss an opportunity to remind us, either directly or by supposition, how superior they and their expensive systems are, insinuating that most on this forum, really don’t qualify as audiophiles, then whine that we don’t like them. Another continuously suggests that the American audio enthusiasts fall far beneath his lofty perception of who qualifies as an audiophile. There may be a bit more truth than satire in Elizabeth’s post - not meaning Elizabeth, per say - but there are a few.
My opinion: Like most things, ones audio system is completely relative and subjective, not only to one’s budget, but to the space it needs to fill; to the specific music one most enjoys and most important - to the likes and expectations of the individual.
Happy listening....Jim
I'm actually bragging so people will think I'm cool, and generally it's from the "I buy used and new stuff for less money from research and dumb luck" school of bragging. Nobody thinks I'm cool though, so I'm planning to drop more names, mention how insanely wealthy and good looking I am, and how very cool and smart audio and music professionals drop by my place frequently to marvel at my uber fabulous sound system. That could do the trick...yeah man...
Wolf, there’s a song about You and Elizabeth (or at least your satire) "Oh Lord Its Hard To Be Humble" Mac Davis, 1974


" I am a totally humble soul, even though I know I AM better than all of you. And I offer my genius for you to marvel at. NO need to offer gifts. My brilliance is gift enough. Yes my system is the work of Genius. Please do not try to copy it. That would only make you smaller than you already are now. When I comment on your system, consider them the comments an adult makes about the playthings of a toddler"
LOL literally LOL / Well done Elizabeth
Honestly, I wasn't bragging when I was trying to explain how amazing my Conrad Johnson is to my late might visitor :)