I have seen many people share what they have and what they have heard on audiogon and there are always a few people that come on with negative comments about the person bragging or,the put down the higher end gear that one is speaking about.  Why do you think that happens?
@calvinj ...Happy to oblige....

BTW & FWIW...."CJ" was referring to Conrad Johnson, not your initials.....
Audiogon has become a place like Facebook and twitter where it has become one giant episode of mean girls. It has become a place where instead of sharing and taking information to use in the hobby people automatically think you are bragging and showing off.  In turn they will quickly let you know that because you are an idiot because you paid too much or didn’t pay enough. There are different levels of experience, knowledge and dedication in this hobby that we all need to respect.  I come on to share in hopes of helping others gain from the experiences I have had and to gain from others. I wish all of you the best no matter you can and can’t afford or are willing to pay. Everyone thinks they got it figured out until they realize they don’t!
Well, I think anyone approaching any internet forum on any subject needs to be a little thick skinned. Its just the world out there and the world can be a mean place.

I think better communication skills would help us all.

I often ask for help on some subject and fail to put my issue in perspective. Subsequently I'll get advice that entails spending thousands of dollars when I'm trying to spend next to nothing. It is perfectly sound advice but not relevant to my needs and budget which I failed to reveal.

Now, when that happens my reaction is NOT to think they are bragging or showing off and quite frankly that has never crossed my mind. I might think they are out of touch with my reality and needs but that does not imply anything wrong with them. I might even think they are nuts for suggesting a $3750 dollar used phono cartridge or a cable burner.....but will acknowledge that in my inexperience I can't say anything objective about such devices/measures.

Plus, we're all free to be nuts about our hobby. I think it helps if we understand and acknowledge that we're nuts and that our chosen form of insanity might not be for everyone.
 @whart you are right...a diverse array..... audio does not need be passive...start messing around with DIY tubes and 400 V for kicks...

skills do count.....in cars, audio, life