Have you ever downgraded deliberately?

At the start of my Audiophile journey i had a Marantz PM8004 with a Proton D1200. Klipsch RF-82 Speakers and Marantz CD player. I had entry lv Cardas speaker wire. The system sounded very good and very musical.

If i’m honest i still miss that pre amp - amp combo. At the moment i have 2 Higher Fidelity 138 monoblocks and a black Threshold fet 10HE modded. Wadia 9 classic dac and Wadia transport. Soundwise it’s much better than before. But still i think about that suberb Proton and Marantz. Maybe i’m becoming a bit jaded with the hobby..... I sold Both components with a heavy heart. And wonder what would happen if i downgrade to a similar system (better speakers ofcourse).

I want to hear some downgrade stories of fellow Audiophiles. Why they did it, where they came from system wise. And if they are more happy with a lesser system.

A couple of months ago i heard some Apogees "Duetta sigs" It rocked my world. Because most speakers are ugly, and sound mediocre. This was totally different from a design and sound point of view. It was perfect in my book. Never had that before. I'm trying very hard to scrounge up the $ to obtain it.

My gf also liked the Proton D1200 looks. What if i sell most of my stuff downgrade and Buy that Apogee with the Proton amp and a cool looking CD player? Looks are very important in my living room i guess. Maybe more than audio nirvana

Unless you need money or move and no longer have space - why?
I don't care about value, I care about good sound. Best value is the best sound you can afford.
A system is like a sports team - you don't necessarily want the best players you can get, you want the best team.  As you move up your game, finding the right pieces to give you the best synergy within a system can be a challenge. Perhaps you don't have the right synergy yet at your new level?

Some of what you are experiencing is also probably nostalgia.  You remember the excitement and enjoyment you had during that time and the simplicity of not wanting more - just enjoying your experience.  I still hold a system dear to me that I had about five years ago and though I've moved well past it, part of me wishes I could rebuild it.  Realistically though, I know if I built it I wouldn't have the same fulfillment from it that I had all those years ago.

It's always easy to look back on 'better days' and forget the negatives experienced during that same time - negatives that might have caused you to move the direction you are currently in.
In 55 years of owning a stereo, I only went backward once. After selling off my first system (after 15 years) to travel. When I came back (discovering the grass is greener right where I had been), I bought some ’cheap’ bits to have some music. And soon began moving up again.Over the years I made a number of ’mistakes’.. but never again a deliberate downgrade. Retired now eight years, I just spent another $30,000 this year on upgrades... Significant gains.
I AM taking it with me when i go......
I have purchased used gear from folks who decided to downgrade. One got married and decided the stereo was a no go with a hot new wife. One was losing his hearing and decided to get rid of the expensive stuff he no longer could hear. and the last because moving to a tiny assisted living apt, and (apparently) no room for a stereo.
Elizabeth, I suggest you sell absolutely everything except your speakers and couple of Furutech outlets. In a sense, temporarily downgrade to zero. Then start anew, this would be interesting and rewarding. Then you will be proud to take it with you..where the grass might in fact be greener.