I have seen many people share what they have and what they have heard on audiogon and there are always a few people that come on with negative comments about the person bragging or,the put down the higher end gear that one is speaking about.  Why do you think that happens?
Many years ago, when I occasionally sold "hifi" equipment, people sometimes chose equipment which would never have been my choice. But the smile on their face, the satisfaction I could see on their face was always enough for me to hold back a bit, and respect the choices made by them. I could have started to explain why I thought there was other equipment performing better at the same price level, but in the end what counts is that people are happy with their choices. I could always congratulate them, telling them they had made a good choice. This also applies to equipment being more expensive, people do compare, do listen, however other aspects like visible appearance and so on come into play as well. Finally, when the choice is made, whether it be for a $ 1 k or $ 500k system, everybody is proud of the choice he/she's made. So everybody will want to explain the motivation for that particular choice. There is no reason for dispute. Individuals make different choices, based on knowledge, advises, experience, or other preferences. We should respect, and congratulate. Bragging about, or showing off with audio equipment may not be the most logic choice, it's much easier to brag about or show off with your new Mercedes, BMW or Breitling/Rolex. If I mention to my neighbor or other friends that I'm using brand "A" for my speakers, they would seriously advise me to go and listen to the latest model of Pioneer or Bose or ........ speakers, they are really good. If I tell people about my amps, they look at me as if I'm quite stupid, I'm advised to listen to local (=Indonesian) manufactured brands, which can be had for $ 250,- deliver also 2x 200 Watt, and can go really -way too- loud as well. All I'm saying is that bragging about your high-end audio equipment doesn't really work that well. On this forum members tend to be skeptical / cynical about so called "high-end", (costing more than $ 5k for the whole system) so you better not publish it here should you own something costing more than average. Other forums have their members mentioning the equipment they are using, which in a way is nice, so you may find members who have made the same or similar choices like yourself. It is easier to contact such members, and raise particular questions about that particular equipment/set-up. There is no bragging at all. Okay, some spend more than others, so what is wrong with that?? Some jealousy will always be there, what's wrong with that? We all have our own budgets, and have to buy within such budget, so that's a matter of fact. But it doesn't mean that I can't appreciate that somebody has nicer equipment than what I have, if the guy is happy, so why not. 
Great points.  We all made are choices for a reason. So share and enjoy 1k 50k or 500k. Just enjoy!
+ 1 (Plus, we're all free to be nuts about our hobby. I think it helps if we understand and acknowledge that we're nuts and that our chosen form of insanity might not be for everyone). 

Nuts in the eyes of others. That's okay, as long as we believe to understand our own motivation/justification for our hobby. The moment we feel/realize we are nuts ourselves, we may probably be better off spending the money on a shrink. ;)
I'm in the business myself. Very few people who are really 'nuts' ever think they are nuts. ;-)
I’m afraid the audiophile Catch-22 has reared it’s ugly head. If you don’t think wire directionality, fancy fuses, Mpingo disc, green pen, Silver Rainbow 🌈 Foil, etc. are preposterous and outrageous you must be crazy. But if you are an ardent audiophile determined to get the best sound with whatever system you have, then if you don’t explore these concepts and perhaps see what they’re all about you must be crazy. 😜