Fake Cardas: Myth or Reality?

Recently I've been trying to sell an older version (without Furutech) of Cardas Golden Reference power cord. For some reason, I have got a lot of questions asking whether this cable is authentic and whether it has a certificate of authenticity.

Are there really that many fake Cardas cables out there, or is this just a smart marketing scam by Cardas to create fear in people so as to make them buy from only select distributors and allow Cardas to better control retail prices? I cannot imagine that counterfeiters would have nothing better to do all day but produce only fake Cardas cables on a mass scale, where in my view there are a lot of much better power cables out there, such as Stealth, Synergistic, NBS, Shunyata, Nordost, etc.

I have purchased other power cords that cost many times more than the Golden Reference, but I have not heard from these manufacturers about fakes in the marketplace. Many of these brands do not issue the so-called "certificate of authenticity". In this day and age, if they can produce fakes of the cable, don't we think that they can also produce fakes of "certificate of authenticity", just as there are fake driver license and ID cards.

Frankly, I don't really care if I sell my GR cable because it is not a major expense for me as compared to how much I've already sunk into my system. It is just annoying to have to answer all these emails, and I think it would be rather disingenuous of Cardas if all this talk about so many fakes of their products in the market were not true....
Who has the last laugh of you pay for counterfeit cables with counterfeit money?
If you go to Cardas website they sell their cable in bulk form on reels. Maybe fake pertains to the fact they were not manufactured in house.
Cardas are not bad cables.  Some have been used in best of show at the electronic shows so they can not be that bad as you say. lol  Everything is system dependent.
Seems the fake cable problems are less complained about, and less discussed than when this thread was started back in 2011.Still it pays to be cautious about buying used cables. The seller having the receipt? and the certificate or whatever is used to prove genuine. Watch for particularly expensive cables lacking the presentation box, etc. (IF YOU bought a $8000 cable, would you throw the fancy box away?) Nearly all major cable brands now have a proof of some type the item is authentic which can be sent along with the product. My Cadas have small forms with a serial number. Kimber has the serial number on the plastic presentation case.As it is, I STILL no longer buy used cables