... what is Settling Time in cables and interconnects...

Hello to all...

Was reading on a cable/interconnect manufacturers' site that they recommend min 350 preferrably 450 hrs Burn-In time, and 2 to preferably 24 hrs Settling Time (after plugged and unplugged).

Have never heard the term Settling Time: what is it, how is it done, what effect would it have if done or not done, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY - would like to hear from someone who has actually done this and your impressions...

If burn-in by manufacturers works, then the positive effects must last several days to allow for shipping.
I don't think you need to worry about minutes or hours or even a couple of days.
Once any cable is physically moved, it needs a little time to settle once it is back in action again, so the gap period isn't crucial.
1. I never suggested anyone should worry about it.
2. I was merely attempting to provide a definition for the terms.
3. I think we should all listen to gosta if we have any audio concerns.
Could it be that many of us are listening through signal cables that are not adequately burned-in?
Perhaps a device like the Audiodharma could change some opinions.
@cakyol.....yes, I had forgotten about that. I also found when my system was fired up in Antarctica, due to the extreme sun angle and during a raging blizzard that it’s sound quality diminished.......somewhat. So I just took all my cables and dragged them around out in the snow.....problem solved!
... I will probably put my foot in my mouth by attempting to ask (another) question: I find very few manufacturers' break-in their power cords or interconnects - so since most agree this is something to do, why don't they?
Why don't manufactures break in stuff? MONEY. To fiddle around breaking in stuff they would first need to have the equipment to do it, then the statf just for that. If you want to pay an additional $250 per.. Some places that sell outlets and such WILL break them in/burn them in for a fee. Usually $10 to $25.Some companies break in electronics. But THAT is done to avoid returns. Breaking it themselves before YOU get it ... is CHEAPER.(it really is all about the money)