Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
The Acurus line of Direct Input Amplifiers when properly modded with the finest components available would give all those Big Boys mentioned above a slap in the rump.ACURUS DIA-100/DIA-100MkII/DIA-150.Ask any technician/audiophile who has owned and or replaced a few parts with this amps.The amps simply beg for a few better components to sing.and sing they they surely can.Not the best but can surely hang with the best.
I would second trelja's comment that I was slightly surprised not to find jadis at least in the running. I have not heard the gryphon but have heard wonderful things. the jadis da88s is also a very involving amplifier, which i pair with sonus faber guarneri. best wishes to all, rk
I agree with you Keiseeg, about Jadis. It is just that they are so expensive, for what they are. Here in the UK, the DA88S was about £6500, a few years ago, now the importer lists it nearer £12000. It is very good, but not £12000 good. The answer is to look second hand I suppose
The Micromega AS-400 is very impressive. The direct streaming capabilities and massive power output make it a very versatile product. It sounds great to boot.
Except for Mike60 it doesn't seem like anyone's hearing the question. Has anyone COMPARED Gryphon, Gaumet, Vitus, Jeff Rowland, etc. I know I haven't. I have a Rotel. Has anyone besides Mike60? Thanks.