Quad ESL Cap mods

I have a pair of Quad 988 I'm considering replacing the electrolytic 220uF Capacitor for a film cap...

For those who have done it -- what caps give you the clearest extensions in the highs and improved mids without mudding the low???

Also, who makes a 220uF film cap? All I seem to find is lower values? Is it best to wire a bunch of lower value caps together for a total 220uF (if so, should you mix electrolytic caps with film caps - like some modders do) or is it best to have a single 220uF cap?

I do see Mundorf has 200+uF caps in their Tube Cap line -- are these Mundorf Tube Caps appropriate for the Quad ESL application? how do they sound?

Thank you guys very much for any and all input into this, as I'm just beginning my Quad mod journey...
Mundorf has a 220uf MCap, not the tube line.

Where is this in the circuit? I highly doubt a cap that large would be located anywhere near your tweeter circuit.

You can solder a few smaller values in parallel. Since you're looking to upgrade, I would avoid electrolytic caps entirely. Dayton, Solen, and Mundorf all have large values.
I believe it is a coupling cap, acting as a high-pass filter (filters out the deep bass), therefore it is very important for sound quality.
220uF in film caps will be very costly and occupy a lot of space, about the size of four soda cans. The least expensive option is four Solen 47 uF / 400 Volts caps plus one Solen 20-30uF uF / 400 Volts plus one Mundorf Silver/Oil 4.7 uF, all in paralell.
Since the original electrolytic cap has a tolerance range of +/- 10%, this combo will be in the ballpark.
You may want to do the full combo with Mundorf Supreme caps and use a 4.7 uF Mundorf Silver / Oil as a high frequency bypass cap.
There are many cap comparisons on the net, most agree that Mundorf Silver /Oil is one of the best caps regarding clean and extended treble.
I have experimented Mundorf S/O as compared to Kimber, Auricap, Hovland and Jantzsen film caps in the tweeter network of my dynamic speakers, all those caps sound good but Mundorf is ahead of the pack IME.
I hope this helps
Thanks for the forum input. Is the Mundorf 220uF cap you have film or electrolytic? What is the reference/catalogue number? Where did you buy? Whats you'r application and how does it sound?

Thank you,