What amps should I audition?

I’m thinking ahead (crazy I know)

I want to purchase a high end amplifier next year, maybe an integrated or just a power amp.

I would be looking to spend around 15k max on an integrated, and 8-10k on a power amp separate (funds to acquire a preamp will be got at a later date next year)

What brands and what model from each brand should I try to get a home audition for? 

I should note I would probably be buying new as I can’t imagine I will be able to get a home audition with used gear. I’m open to buying used, but I’d have to get an audition in a system like mine, or actually in my system... I don’t really want to buy anything without auditioning first. On a related note, what is the easiest or best way to get a dealer relationship started, one where he would let me home audition? I’m even willing to pay 100% deposit if it means I can return it no questions ask after the audition period, but the dealers I’ve asked to do this with so far have refused. I always see people on this forum saying they manage to do that. I’m a bit at a loss how they manage to pull that off.

Anyway some more ideas: Bryston amps and Nagra Classic pre? This was the only setup I’ve heard on my speakers and it was quite magical. I really like the Nagra, and the Bryston combo. Used, it could be got within my budget. New.. not so much. I could swap out the Brystons with the matching Nagra amp, maybe. Or even just go for the Nagra Classic Integrated. All within my budget (if used) and with my speakers 96db sensitivity I should be good to go with the Nagra 100wpc rating.

other ideas: mcintosh mc462 or mc275 mk vi. 
Pass Labs XA30.8 or XA60.8 or XA100.8
Acxuphase e-470
Luxman 509X 

Actually that’s all I’ve really come up with so far. I am open to hearing any thoughts, concerns or ideas you may have. I do believe all the above mentioned amps will better my Kinki EX-M1. 

Cabling will be upgraded to Audience before any of this by the way. 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xd2girls
d2girls, what shoff said, I've read a few comments from one who seems to have run through as many amps as models do with clothes. He has the same impression of this amp. Have you chanced upon this thread?


While not looking to buy another amp just yet, highly educational for me.

Diablo 300 is good for the money but its not even close to being the "best" integrated. Higher priced ones like Dag Momentum will smoke it in every possible way...but its 2.5X the price. Dartzeel 8550 is another one that is above and beyond the Diablo 300. Im sure there are PLENTY of others if you have the coin. (T+A, CH Precision etc)

   You can check the thread mentioned in the above post to see how the DAG Integrated fared against the Diablo 300 in a shootout. It wasnt pretty for the Diablo.

I am the owner of a Krell 400 FPB 400cx - a true Class A iconic beast legendary for deep bass and beautiful sonic properties. I auditioned the brand new ( not yet released) K-300i Krell Integrated amp in Denver at the Rocky Mountain Audio Show. I was BLOWN AWAY. 

Based on this audition (sans sub) I proceeded to order the new Krell DUO 300 XD - 300 wpc iBias. It is the same architecture and topology but of course will sound better than the integrated amp. At $9,500 I do not believe one can do better for high end audio. Simply marvelous and exceeded the quality of my 2004 "muscle car." 

I'm not sure pricing on the K-300i but you can call and find out. Ships in December I believe. It was FAR more detailed than any comparable McIntosh. Fast! Superb!

It would be obscene to spend 8-10k on any amplifier and have it not sound terrific.  Why should one doubt which sounds better if spending more money always  means better sound?  Its an illusion otherwise.

More money does not mean better.  Better construction perhaps (paying for over engineering).... But sound? We need to take the needed time to learn how to extract the best sound out of regular audiophile equipment long before we become Jed Clampetts and not know what to do with our dang fangled ce'ment pond.  A ten thousand dollar amp can sound terrible if you do not have the skills needed to set up optimally.
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