Quad ESL Cap mods

I have a pair of Quad 988 I'm considering replacing the electrolytic 220uF Capacitor for a film cap...

For those who have done it -- what caps give you the clearest extensions in the highs and improved mids without mudding the low???

Also, who makes a 220uF film cap? All I seem to find is lower values? Is it best to wire a bunch of lower value caps together for a total 220uF (if so, should you mix electrolytic caps with film caps - like some modders do) or is it best to have a single 220uF cap?

I do see Mundorf has 200+uF caps in their Tube Cap line -- are these Mundorf Tube Caps appropriate for the Quad ESL application? how do they sound?

Thank you guys very much for any and all input into this, as I'm just beginning my Quad mod journey...
Hi Terry9, did you end up doubling up the Duelund resistors to match the orig. power rating? My experience with Duelunds are outside of Quad mods but were you able to fine 20W+ Duelunds for the job or was your mod only for the input R and C before the split-tranny?
Good for you then cos I had to change out Duelunds on my friend's JMLab Micro Utopia in favor of Mills MRA12s. The Duelunds caused a major saturation in the sound when overdriven.
Howdy folks .

I have recently acquired a pair of ESL-989's and whilst mugging up on user tips and tweaks I came across this most informative series of posts, amongst others, recommending a number of modifications ,chiefly the replacement of the 220uf lytic with metallised or film/foil poly + associated resistor.

I was under the impretion that those componants would be reasonably easy to get at ala the 63's however I was kinda dismayed to see the components connected directly to the PCB

I'm pretty good with point to point circuitry however I tend to shy away from PCB work .

I would be grateful for any further tips regarding the safe removal of the 220uf + R15 together with any further info re securing the replacement polypropylenes into the circuit .
Any under the hood images post modification would be most appreciated.

The PCB is one sided, so you will need to carefully unscrew the mounting screws and flip it around and unsolder the orginal sand resistor and lytic.
You will need special nylon tie wraps to tie the new (HUGE) lytic and bolt the tie wrap onto the large screw that the panel is mounted onto the base.
You will need to use some 16 to 14 gauge wire to extend the leads of the cap to reach the appropriate connection points.