Vinyl playback is still a secret

Over the last two years I have encountered many baby boomers with vinyl collections who did not know that vinyl was alive and well. Most could not believe that one could buy a new cartridge or replace a TT. What has struck me most is how none of these people would sell me their collection of LPs. Their records represent too many precious memories(even when records have not been played for 20 years).

My point is that mainstream consumers need to become more aware of the revitalization of analog. Articles and advertisements for analog products and accessories must be more apparent through the popular press. Sterophile, Absolute Sound, HiFi News et al. as well as websites such as Audiogon essentially reach the true believers and not the population at large.

Somehow, the popular press barrier must be breached if analog is to become truly vibrant and "cool" again.
I missed my favorite sale last Sunday at the local Synagogue. it was reported to me they had 15 boxes of LPs at 10 cents per album. I did however manage to score six crates of LPs (~350 Lps,60s rock and jazz) from a neighbor this past Saturday. She wanted $20.00 but I gave her $75. I do have to live with myself and she has neighbors. Now all I need is the time to listen to them all!
I had about 1200 albums sitting in my store room for about 15 years.  CDs, Squeezebox streaming, and my NAS iTunes library kept me going for a very long time - occasionally, I spin an album or two.

I resurrected my vinyl collection and bought a whole new rig to play them on (in my new retirement listening room).  I ripped my CDs to an Innuos Zenith; stream Tidal; and play vinyl.  All of them sound wonderful.

Living in the DC area, there are numerous places to buy new and used vinyl. Used prices and quality vary, so you have to be careful.  Right now, I’m listening to Diana Krall’s The Look Of Love Album.  I purchased it new at the DC Audio show last week.  I had no idea some “audiophile vinyl” grade albums came in 45RPM.  I played my last “real” 45 about 30 years ago :-).
the way vinyl will be great again is if they get rid of the digital mastering processes.   just like a CD on vinyl.
Old thread of historic significance.  
Agreed @tzh21y 
It can be argued that my copy of The Lion's Roar by First Aid Kit sounds better than the freebie CD, almost all of my newer albums do not hold a candle to my old AAA 50s-70s albums.

What an interesting thread to visit.  Back when vinyl was essentially dead, yet just when the very beginnings of the vinyl revival is being hinted at.

I'm very happy it came back.  I hadn't had so much fun from my system in years, since I got a good turntable up and working and started buying music I love on vinyl.