Dynaudio Audience 52SE vs. Contour S1.4


I'm the, more og less, happy owner of a Dynaudio 52SE speaker. I'm wondering about an upgrade to the Contour S1.4.

Has anyone listened to the S1.4, and maybe compaired to the 52SE?

Any info would be helpful. Thanks.

Best regards
I've had the 1.4 then upgraded to the 3.4 and now the c1 and heard the 52 but not 52se but unless the 52se is a radical improvement the 1.4 is better, cleaner highs, bigger sound, better imaging, the 1.4 is pretty much high end level, not quite reference level like the Confidence series but very very good.
I am using a pair of 52SE with a Naim Uniti. I have a pair of S1.4s ordered and should be picking them up tomorrow. I'm looking forward to hearing them. After I've run them in for a few months, I'll A/B them with the 52SEs again. Later this year I will add a NAP200 to the mix.
the tweeter in the Contour edges out the Focus easily

good point.Edges easily other tweeters on other speakers. Better amplifier better sound you will get.I driving these speakers with Krell kav 500i and Technics Se-a3000/su-c3000.Self made stands from the wood.Technics provides very musical sound.The same trick will do (I am guessing)Luxman L550a or something very similar.
I still have both.

Contour S 1.4 is more difficult to drive than 52 SE and requires more space to breath. Normally Contour 1.4 needs a more powerful amplifier than 52 SE does.

Contour S 1.4 may ne regarded as more neutral and more transparent than 52 SE. But 52 SE is a little bit warmer and tolerant for bad recordings.

With Contour S 1.4 Bass goes deeper than 52 SE does but at low volumes 52 SE seems deliver more "slam".

I think both are awesome Dynaudio allrounders.
Well, my S1.4s showed up this afternoon and I haven't stopped listening. They are ex-demos from Dynaudio US so they have been run in at least somewhat.

Initial impressions are that they are a different league entirely than my 52SEs. Bigger sound, more open and forward, much better detail & soundstage image. After an hour I put my 52SEs back downstairs in the HT system. Now I have to work on getting them burned in fully and acquiring that NAP200 to really deliver on their potential.

I have an Arcam Alpha 10P sitting around (until I get around to posting it for sale). I may try using that to see what kind of sound I get, although I'm afraid it will be a step down down from the Naim UnitiQute in SQ, even though it has a lot more power.