Ayon vs Audio Research

Both mfg. make various models; has anyone had both and what are your impressions. I'm looking at used, in the 4k range, not the latest models. 

I was contemplating an Ayon way back but as I searched for info found lots of concerns on reliability and support.
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I recommend you to try your speaker with Rogue Cronus Magmum II.

It is made in USA providing nice after service.


It is a pretty good amplifier with stock tube but with tube rolling it can be excellent one.

You can replace stock A12Au7 with Amperex and A12AX7 with Telefuken.

5 good Nos tubes cost around 300$ at Ebay.

Be sure to buy from the source who offer unconditional return.
I was also interested in Ayon but there are a lot of reliability concerns as stated above. I'd suggest Prima Luna (new) in your price range, very well engineered and lots of support. ARC stuff is extremely well made obviously as well.