Blue Ray Concert discs

Ok, I finally gave in and ordered the new Oppo Blue Ray player.
Can anyone recommend some good Blue Ray Concert Disc's ?
Blue Ray will die just like SACD did. The average Joe is too cheap to pay the extra bucks for this format. I have had a Blue Ray player for about 8 months now and the amount of concert blue rays being released is at a trickles pace at best. You would think with all the flat panels everyone is buying these days and HD everywhere that artist would be tapping into the wealth of money they could be making by just releasing there shows on Blue Ray. This would be a great alternative to paying a $100 a ticket to go see them live. This has always bugged me even the amount of regular concert dvd releases has been a sucking trickling event. Just my 2 cents on this subject.
Tlg, you may be right. I'm shocked at the lack of content for BD. I thought SACD was dead... until I started looking for BD content. It makes SACD look vibrant!

Guess I'll be downloading HD content and burning my own discs. Seriously thinking about getting a transporter so I can rip to my NAS and play them on my audio system. I does look to me like shiny silver discs are dead and not coming back any time soon.
Can't help but chime in on the recommendation for David Gilmore - Live at The Royal Albert Hall.
Just picked up Sheryl Crow . Awesome sound, better than any SACD I own.
Of course Blu Ray video is great too.