Power Conditioners: Audioquest Niagara 5000 or Shunyata Denali 6000S

I’ve been trying to decide which of these two power conditioners might make a better purchase. Do any of you own either, have chosen one over the other, or better yet, gotten to A/B them? I’ve found some, but not a lot, of information online comparing the two. So I thought I’d ask if any of you might know something more.

They both come in at $4000 retail which is my budgetary limit. The Niagara is active, the Denali passive. Some threads compare the Denal a little less favorably to the twice as expensive Audioquest Niagara 7000, for what that’s worth. I heard that the Audioquest Niagara 5000 may hum or buzz under some cirumstances. Anybody have that issue? I’ll probably never get a chance to demo them out here in the hinterlands so I’m hanging on your every word before I drop another wad of cash on one or the other.

There is also an Audio Magic conditioner at the same $4000 price point, but I didn’t quite understand it’s function in comparison to the other two. I’ll have to reread that product description.Someone else recommended a Richard Gray model that confusingly turned out to be a giant-sized surge protector.

Anyway I’d appreciate if any of you have any input on this somewhat obscure topic of power conditioners. I’m looking at one of these two power conditioners as opposed to a regenerator, or pure isolation transformer, or other type of line conditioner. If it’s of any import my equipment is a VPI Classic 2 SE turntable with an Ortofon 2M Black moving magnet cartridge, a Marantz SA8005 CD player, a Luxman 507uX Mark II integrated amp, and Magico A3 speakers all to be on a dedicated line and plugged into the conditioner. I am not interested in purchasing used.

Thanks for any input or advice. I hope someone out there knows something about these two.

Appreciate the further explanations, Knownothing.  I'm definitely going to need to research this subject more, The simplest thing to figure out will probably the interconnect between my relatively, inexpensive CD player, a Marantz SA8005,  and the Luxman 507uX II amplifier. I think what I'll do there is purchase a modest Audioquest interconnect that comes in at 20% of the CD players value. We do have an Audioquest dealer in Roanoke who would let me swap out cables if I liked.

That would simplify that matter. That CD player was purchased before I decided to upgrade my whole system, and it's the only component  I would consider upgrading down the road if I acquire more CD's. 90% of my source material is vinyl records. 

The power cables I'll definitely need to look into further. I'll keep them as far away from the low voltage cabling as possible as you suggest. I'm going to see if there isn't some simple mechanical means to shield them, starting with the shielded hospital grade 12 amp power cords, maybe conduit. I'll need to look into the other variables the cords are designed to deal with, some of which you mentioned. I'd honestly be horrified if I needed to buy a thousand dollar power cord. But you have to do what's necessary, like it or not. Thanks,

You can get budget aftermarket power cables that provide over 50% of the improvements that SOTA cables provide at 1/10 of the price. The opposite of diminishing returns.  

Give the cable company your budget and tell them your gear and they may recommend an uneven distribution of costs between cables based on what they think will provide the biggest return.  Or look at Pangea cables from AudioAdvisor or Signal Cable as a place to start.  You may get the best results with the most expensive power cable on your CD player, difficult to prejudge.

Modest AQ IC is a good place to start for that.

swapping cables and power cords is the best approach until you reach products that compliment your system. Take full advantage of your local AQ dealer, retailer.  Have fun!

Happy Listening!
Hi Mike,

I have now had enough opportunity listening in my system to provide some comparison thoughts.  The below anysis is with respect to the Audioquest 5000 to latest Shunyata Triton only.  Please note I have no skin in this game, and ultimately elected to purchase neither product after auditioning both for about 2 months. In fact, I own and use an AQ WEL Signature power cord for my current power conditioner (a Purepower 3000).

In short, the Shunyata substantially outperformed the Audioquest in my system.  The Shunyata works well at reducing noise, presenting information with a lot of ease.  Instruments have a lot of tonal density and color across the stage.  Low level resolution is good.  Ultimate stage width and depth is passable, but not remarkable.  My biggest issues is in the lower midrange to midbass.  The Shuyata is, in my system, notably colored, with a bit of a caramel presentation and warmth in the range of the cello and bass guitar.  In many systems, this would work well, but my system is already a touch warm in this range, so the Shunyata is not a good fit.

In view of the above, I would recommend the Shunyata for those in the market for such a product taking into account its characteristics.  I would not recommend the Audioquest, which to me sounds like a typical active filtering power conditioner - you can get the same performance for less.

Thanks for the input rzado. I'm hoping my recently purchased Shunyata Denali works well with my new system once my back ordered Magico A3's finally arrive in February, hopefully. I'll post my assessment then.  Sounds as if it should fit in well as you usually don't read the Magico's have a warm presentation. The Denali may vary somewhat from the Triton you demoed. so I'll just have to wait and see. How do you like your Purepower 3000 relative to the others. I'm unfamiliar with that make and model. I'll have to look it up. 
