$10k Speaker Cables??????????????

Where does this madness end??? My friend the editor reviews this craziness!!

Cheers George
There are some people who dont really care about getting better sound but somehow have time to troll the internet to persuade audio hobbyists that we are either deaf or dumb to buy anything more than monster cable.

Perhaps these people dont really even enjoy music or stopped liking music after the glory years [fill in the era of choice]

Perhaps these people cannot afford to upgrade their system so feel a a need to lash out at the high costs often but not always associated with this hobby.

Most people here want the genuine opinion of other hobbyist who have an open mind and ears and are interested in the pursuit of better sound...

I certainly am happy with the state of sound I have in my various setups but am confident that I can learn more and improve things still.

I remember helpful advice regarding upgrading fuses and yet of course much backlash about how ridic this is by some people here....many people were stunned it makes a difference but the more stunning thing is people who have strong opinions in theory about things they never even try

Perhaps it is a fools mission to impute beliefs to others....

The Catholic Church did that to Galileo and look where they are, today.Ā 
@karmapoliceĀ not everyone can afford to grab a $10,000 set of speaker cables and give 'em a try.Ā 

maritime51, that is a non sequitur. Far be it from me to defend the Catholic Church but their problems today most certainly do not stem from their power struggle with Galileo.

But I think you are right on the money in your intent. It is only natural, and usually prudent, not to initially believe in things that are patently unbelievable.
No one has to try 10K cables perhaps 1K or $500 cables if using $100 cables....or even make your own but to insist like some here do that science has proven itā€™s pointless is bordering on flat earth society stuff