Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home vs Concerto Domus

I have been looking to buy a pair of Sonus Faber Grand Piano's (Not Domus)for quite a while now, and have been very unlucky in trying to secure a pair. This has been my dream speaker for years and years and now that I am at a point to afford them, there are none to be found.

I am getting impatient and thinking maybe I will look into the Concerto Domus instead... Is this a comparable speaker to the older grand piano? Although it is only a 2-way, it looks like its frequency response matches that of the GP. Is the bass range similar?

I'm worried that they wont be the same though, and that I'll still wish I had the Grand Pianos.

Any thoughts? Anyone change from the GP to the Concerto Domus?

BTW - I have listend to the GP. Never the Concerto.
Hi Rijp1987 , I also was debating on upgrading to a Cremona M in graphite. I have the GPH , concerto, and concertinos. I noticed you used cardas speaker cables ... did you like the GPH with cardas. I am thinking of new speakers or upgrading speaker cables to cardas golden ref.
So, difference between Sonus Faber Home and Concerto Grand Piano is what? Is there a difference as far as sound is concerned? Don't really get this, someone please explain.