Infinity Renaissance 90 questions

Hi fellow AG'ers, I have just pulled the trigger & purchased a pair of Ren 90's in black ash & had some newbie questions for more experienced members. Firstly as they are still shipping from the US, I'd love to know what finish (Black ash or blonde oak) you prefer? In my case, a micky mouse pair came up for sale at the right price in Black ash, so I grabbed them..

Also, I will be initially running my Rens with a Classe Cap-2100 integrated amp which has been bench tested at 235watts/4 ohms. I know most punters advocate giving them 400 watts per channel, so what do you think? (although the Classe has a truckload of current to compensate). I should mention I plan on upgrading to a Ca-2200 pa & AR Reference 3 in a few years, but for now, the Cap will doing regular duties.

Finally, I would be interested to hear from any members who have re-wired their Rens & had a high-end external crossover built & what results you got? I am planning a very high end x-over mod & re-wire of my Rens with Acoustic Zen wire next year and would appreciate any suggestions.

Try Parasound JC-1s and true bi-wire them using one set of binding posts for the highs and the other for the lows. I am getting amazing results!
I bought a pair in the piano gloss finish from a firsthand owner in Germany. He was retired and had used them in his dining room for listening classical music.

They look like new and sound like heaven! I would not know any speaker that sounds as good and looks half as good at this price in the second hand market.

The down side seems to be driving them. First I used my Nad C370 integrated and it seemed ok. Now I'm driving them with a Vincent SP-331 they sound better. Guess this is still the very minimum you should give them though..
Now I'm driving them with a Vincent SP-331 they sound better. Guess this is still the very minimum you should give them though..

absolutely right ! ...

the more power & control, better ...

the difference is huge

only then you will discover what they are capable of
Hi Maw, I think 4 th order (24dB) but am not sure. I down-
loaded IRS Sigma 'technical manual' and looked for you for
the source but the only info is : Infinity Systems,Inc New
