Good FM tuner for around $1K

I’m looking for a decent FM tuner, would like to spend less than $1200 if possible. Used is ok, maybe even preferable. Any advice, or recommendations would be helpful and appreciated.
I have a MD 102 and it is excellent and can be found resonably...  I sent my MD90 in for repair and rather than repair and upgrades I just traded it toward a MD102.  You should check out their certified used page on their site....   
My last experience of seperates in tuners was a couple years ago with a McIntosh MR7082.

Maybe not up to the standards of say the 74,77, 78 et al but for the price you can buy them used is an excellent piece.
I was fortunate to have a few good local stations and only had to use an indoor antenna.

Thankfully I literally have no room or amp inputs left for a tuner any longer so I do not have to worry about one now.

If I remember correct I sold mine for just $400, looks like they fetch a little more now on eBay.
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