Maggies with no Sub: Fantastic surprise

OK, I have had Maggies for years, and always had subs with them: Vandersteens, DefTech, Velodyne, JL Audio, Sunfire, SVS Sound, etc...

When using set up software I have measure the lower end to 35 hz consistantly, so then I would take a ton of time and effort placing the subs in the correct spots, and letting the sub or controller (SMS-1) set up the crossover for different locations. I was always looking for that perfect integration for both stereo and LFE effects, so I finally bought a Rel B1 and I am awaiting it's delivery.

In the mean time, I have for the first time ever, been listening to the Maggie 3.6R's without a sub, and I am shocked. My God, there's a lot of bass there. I have a lot of juice going to them (Cary CAD 500 MB's) and Mye Stands, but wow, they really sound great. I'm kind of sorry I bought the Rel now. I think I may just buy a cheap sub for LFE effects on movies and just leave the Maggie's on their own for Stereo.

Anyone else have this experience??

It may all be amp related, but I will now dispute anyone who says Maggies have no low end authority. I am shocked that much of the low end bass I thought was coming from the subs over the years was actually coming from the Maggies!!
1.6QR's biwired with Speltz Anti-Cable with no doubt results in the effect of a pair of subs in the mix - Of course you must have these at least 48" from the rear wall - and also dependent upon associated amp, preamp, CD player, etc ;-)
After reading through this thread, I am wondering about the crossover frequency I chose for my Marchand XM44 3 way which is expected in next few days. I still use my Maggie IIIa's and recently acquired a second Audio Research D400mkII to bi-amp. I also have a pair of Velodyne F1200s in my system. After hearing from a guy at Velodyne who said he had lots of experience with Maggies I ordered a 50hz crossover hi and low with a 48db slope at the low end. Thoughts/opinions wecome and sought.

Right now I am using the passive XO1 but can't wait to hear the set-up with the Marchand.
I have Magnepan 20Rs with upgraded passive crossover (improved parts)being driven by CJ Premier 8A 6550 tube amps(275 watts/monobloc). The amps were upgraded by Bob Backert of rhBackert Sounddezign including full cap changeout to V-Caps. My question : I have a pair of factory refurbished MG IIIA in storage. Using a pair of extra SS monobloc amps I also have and a Dahlquist DQ DLP-1 passive/active crossover, could I drive just the bass section of the IIIA's as a "cut from the same cloth" sub augmentation?
I think you could by removing the mid and tweeter fuses and running just the bass cable from external Maggie XO. Seems like a bit of a waste of a great speaker but if the XO and amp can get them the signal, should work especially if you have more than one "main out" from the Pre-amp which can then connect to XO.

I finally sold my IIIAs. Always loved that speaker and bi-amped them with an electronic XO last couple years before I got the 3.7s
