Is it time to just quit?

Time to just quit?                      
Buying audio stuff?                             
Posting to an empty house?                          
My gut feeling is no one is posting in the regular 'free' threads. Maybe they all are paying to post? I could not know, since I am way too cheap to pay to just post 'exclusive'.  Being natural paranoid, I think everyone is posting over there, not here?                                       
Then I also just hit my limit on credit card Paypal. Now I have to become "verified' or no Paypal.    
This also happened at a fortuitous moment, when I was starting to overspend...             
So no buying OR selling here for me (unless I am willing to get the Paypal CC. Which I have to think about)So maybe the Universe is telling me "Time to quit".???  
Not quit listening to music, just NOT buying more stuff and NOT posting more gibberish.
For me, I found I was addicted to the excitement of opening a new brown box.
It was that, "Six year old on Christmas morning" feeling.

Then the best thing imaginable happened to me. I lost 95% of the music in my Mac Mini. I switched to streaming and lost the desire to buy new equipment because when I listened to my Mini I listened to the same stuff over and over and over, constantly critiquing.  I wasn't enjoying. It wasn't fun anymore. It was work. 

Since I've had this awakening, I've realized how much of a racket the high end is. It's a disgrace what manufacturers are charging. 

If you think $2,000 for an interconnect is reasonable, what would your reaction be if your wife came home with a $,2000 mink coat?

I'm out.
My 80’s vintage NAD 7020 that I use with my downstairs TV finally died.

Since I do not use this setup very much I decided to cheap out and try this before dropping more $$$$$s on an infrequently used setup:

Hooked it up yesterday and gave it a spin streaming from Spotify and my music server. Speakers are vintage Boston A40s I refoamed a couple years back.

Yowsa! That was very good sound quality for a total investment of ~ $100. The 2018 remaster of The Beatles sounded better than ever! Most impressive!

And this thing is tiny, about the size of a pack of cigarettes. Made in China, modern technology in play with both the gear and recording......makes you wonder.....
It’s cheap enough that any audiophile might give it a try before dropping way bigger bucks on an amplifier.

Next time maybe I’ll try a similar cheapo tube amp and see what that can do these days..

Looks pretty well made but if it does not last long no big deal to replace.

I might even listen to that setup more often now. Very easy to stream to from any bluetooth enabled device......

In any case this is the kind of budget oriented competition for peoples hifi dollars that is out there nowadays.

They could probably have blown these things out the door at Capital Audiofest or any audio show for that matter by playing it and then showing people where that very respectable sound quality came from, how small, and how inexpensive,  but probably small fries compared to the volumes of these kind of things sold on Amazon, ebay, etc...
Maybe it is time to quit buying stuff if you’ve reached the point with your system that you really enjoy listening to it. It’s not surprising you’d start to think about this, especially if you’ve been in the hobby for a long time.

From the number of posts you have made, you must like doing it. Why is it less satisfactory of late? Perhaps it’s time for some new interests?

Enjoy the music!

Listen to your car stereo and not your home systefor a while . When you listen back to your home stereo you will go wow and have greater appreciation for it.