Your Favorite Holiday Album

Figured it’s time to start this thread for this time of year ... so what album gets you into the holiday mood? Outside of the obvious (Guaraldi), one of my go-to faves is the original Argo pressings of the Ramsey Lewis Trio Sound of Christmas... both the mono and stereo mixes are great!

I enjoy Christmas music, all kinds from pop to unordinary. If you need  something different  try the 5-disk album from Sufjan Stevens. Traditional, simple, and sincere.

George Winston - December (vinyl recording on Windham Hill)


Beatles - White Album (have listened to it on Christmas day every year since I first heard it as a young kid Christmas, 1968)
OK, while we’re talking unordinary, the ventures Christmas album manages to take most of the greatest surf rock anthems and morph them into Christmas songs. Wonderfully cheesy and wildly creative....