To DAC or not to DAC?

I’ve been very happy with my system for a few years now and hadn’t thought much about any additions. It’s not the best but respectable and enjoyable. (Mcintosh MC 207, MX122, MR85, MB100,OPPO 205, Dared MC-7P tube preamp for Marantz TT15s1 with B&W 803’s & 805’s) I have no intention of giving up any media source and have large collections of LP’s CD’s and DVD’s, but have recently been spending more time with streaming. I enjoy HT and 2 channel music listening. I recently stopped in to my local retailer, who tried to explain what hidden gems I was missing by not having a separate and dedicated DAC. I run my Oppo with HDMI to the MX122 and the MB100 with XLR’s. The retailer was directing me towards a Mytek or Moon DAC. I’m looking for other’s opinions on whether it might make a dramatic difference over my present system. Please let me know your thoughts.

Using any bricks and mortar store to demo and then buy elsewhere cuzz it's cheaper is just plain wrong.....IMO
Instead of ’cuttin’ the op for his private comment in the thread about his purchasing habits, which IMO are his own business, not mine! For those who think they are the "Audio Morals Police Force." I suggest you take it offline.)                         
I will go back to the other question raised in the responses..Which is: is there a difference in DACs, and why such a big price spread? I have to say all audio components have a ’big price spread’. So do cars, homes, vacations, watches.. You name it the item can cost litle or a lot. DAC are no different.
As for sound... I have a DAC I paid $250 for, used. had it around fifteen yeasr? anyway, I finally found something I thought was enough better to buy. $250 vs $7,000 to gain a small improvement in sound. It was no earthshaking oh my gawd change. Just sounded better ENOUGH.


Thanks for the direction. I ordered the Benchmark DAC3b from their site. $1695 with free shipping and 30 day money-back trial. I’m anxious to see what differences it may produce. 


One wonders, is the "condescension" earned or a reward???

Words to ponder… you should meet my local dealer, I think you would enjoy his company ;-)

OP raised it and was very specific, both in terms of how he described his dealer and his own behaviour.

We can take his word, which may well be on the mark. Or...

In my experience, ’dealers’ come in all types but they do have this common wonderful ability to sniff out and react to those that are wasting their time.

With respect to the OP’s query, I suggest reading up on the myriad threads related to DACs to find your answer(s).

As stated:

I’m looking for other’s opinions on whether it might make a dramatic difference over my present system.

No one but the OP can address this.