linn sondek tt

Does anybody still buy this? I just noticed many of their old dealers are gone.i wonder why?
I agree with nkonor.  The Linn sound is outdated to my ears.  I would say if you are a tinkerer, buy one used.  I recently heard an old Kenwood DD turntable at a friends house with an old SME 3009 and a shure cartridge that would give the Linn a battle.  I think he is going to sell it for like 500.00.  They are good tables used if you like the Linn sound and can get it at a good price.  

Personally, I would say the Technics table trounces the Linn all day long.

I heard a fully Radicalized Linn and came home and listened to my VPI scout and felt it had more presence than the Linn. Now thats a 1600.00 table vs. at the time a 20K table.  Thats just not good enough and Linn should be ashamed to sell a table for that much considering a scout betters it in some ways.  At 20K it should not in any way.  Not good.  My scout is the old acrylic platter version.  RU kidding me... 

What happens when you go from a 120 gram record to a 200 gram record?  Does it go out of TUNE?  What happens when a cold front goes through, the humidity changes, etc.  I have friends who have gone from one record to another and encountered massive differences in sound. One record sounds great, the next record sounds completely wrong?  Not good in this day and age.  One thing I will say is the Linn is a very nice table to look at. 
@tzh21y What gear are you listening to as ancillary...Bose? Because, what you state makes sense if you that's what is your experience. OTOH on a system that is resolving, then even those with tin ears are going to understand why the Linn is still so respected throughout the a'phile world! OTOH, perhaps it is best for you to keep on being deluded about the LP12 Radikal and enjoy your Kenwood...or VPI Scout;0)
Like I stated above, there is a tremendous amount of misinformation about the LP12 platform...this thread, and posts like yours, continue with that issue.
Well answers the OP's question, IMO.
I actually listened to the Linn on an all Linn system at a Linn dealer.  It sounded good, but not worth 20K.  Thats just the way I hear it.  Others like yourself may think the Linn is better. I for one do not especially for 20K or even 4 or 5 for a Majik or whatever it is.
oh, and may I add that this Linn dealer is very good at what he does and is probably one of the nicest dealers I have ever met.
@tzh21y So you heard the LP12 with an all Linn system and then came home and preferred your Scout! Really that is no big surprise to any Linn table adherent! While we think extremely highly of the table, the same cannot be said for the Linn ancillary gear. Personally, I have to agree that the Linn electronics and speakers are in no way competitive with numerous other pieces,at or below, their price point. Therefore, unfortunately you did not hear what a LP12 Radikal can actually bring to the system. I also know that most Linn dealers won’t actually accept this fact, but the a’phile community has known this for years.

Again, unfortunately you are spreading misinformation that is based on a faulty assumption. I can see on this forum and others that this is prevalent with the LP12...and again, answers the OP’s question.
Linn themselves do have some amount of blame with this, as they have a product that their dealers are typically NOT demoing in its best light....due to their primarily wanting to sell their Linn ancillary gear.