Bach Double Violin Concerto

I stumbled across a performance of  Bach's Double Violin Concerto by Yehudi Menuhin And David Oistrakh on YouTube and am now looking for a good performance/recording of this piece.  Can be either vinyl or cd. Your suggestions are much appreciated.
In modern sound Ph 420 700-2
with Grumiaux and Krebbers , New Phil, O,de Waart.
Oistrakh with his son on DG 449-844-2 Munich Bach O , Richter
In old sound but a mighty performance Naxos mono 8.110965 .Menuhin with his teacher Enescu. Symphony de Paris , Monteux



Thanks. I knew I could count on you. Your Kyung Wha Chung suggestion in my previous thread turned out to be awesome..will look into the suggestions you provided above.

There are many performances done in "Historically-Informed" fashion, if you don't mind a less "suave" tone and manner. The violins are played with less vibrato than by Menuhin and Oistrakh, which some listeners like, others don't. Interpretive preference is a matter of both musical education & training and good ol' taste.

I have the following H-I versions on CD, all worthy of a listen:

- Ton Koopman conducting The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra; Erato 16165.

- Sigiswald Kuijken conducting La Petite Bande; Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 77006.

- Elizabeth Wallfisch conducting Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment; Virgin 59319.

- Andrew Manze conducting The Academy Of Ancient Music; Harmonia Mundi (U.S.A.) 907155.

In observance of period performance, the conductor is one of the two violinists, though in the case of Koopman such is not the case. If recorded sound quality is for you a priority, the Manze/AAM on HM U.S.A. is awfully good, as usual for this great label.

@bdp24 That's odd.  When I saw the OP, I immediately thought of Rachel Podger.  But when I checked out the Podger/Manze recording on HM on Amazon, there were several 1 star reviews, all complaining about the sound (rather than the performance), describing it unanimously as shrill.  Perhaps there's been a reissue.