Questions about Node 2i

I'm trying to work out a fairly low cost streaming solution.

Current set up is Apple TV to Schiit Modi 2 Uber and the SQ is just okay. I don't think the weak link is the Modi.

I'm trying to do this on a limited budget so looking at a BlueSound Node 2i. But I have some questions.

1) How much SQ advantage is there with the 2i over the 2. The Node 2 can be purchased used for less than $400. What! HiFi gave the 2i glorious reviews over and above the 2 but couldn't really explain why there was a difference as the DAC was not upgraded.

2) The features list says that the 2i and the 2 will play music from my own external HD but only mentions it once and does not elaborate. If I have ripped CDs in an iTunes library on a HD will it play it through the Node 2?

3) The idea of a multiroom player appeals to my wife....which is always a good thing when spending money on hi-fi stuff. But, they're basic speakers are $300 each. I'm assuming you'd need at least 2 for a room to sound decent at all. The SQ does not have to be great for this application but spending an additional $600 to get okay SQ in another room is more than I'd like to spend. Can anyone speak to the actual quality of such a set up?

4) Do powered speakers from other makers than BlueSound work with the Node 2i or 2?

5) If I have a Node 2i or 2, is there any further role for the Modi 2 Uber or any other low price DAC?

Thanks for any assistance or experience you may have to share.

So then it should not be any problem to run ripped CDs through my newest iMac wirelessly. That's good and solves a number of problems. I won't even need an external HD.
If you get frequent drop outs using wireless I would use a wire. I run the node 2i on the 5ghz band and everything else in my house on the 2.4 ghz. I also set the channels in my router so I am the only one  within my area using them and will periodically check it. So far it works fine.
I have a wireless repeater and a 4 port switch in my entertainment system.  I watch 4K content on Netflix, stream to the BlueSound Node 2, etc. with no issues.  There are a lot of variables to take into consideration - your connection speed, how good your wireless router is, how far the Node 2 is from the router, etc.  If you can easily use a wired connection, that's best, but wireless can work flawlessly if the conditions are good.
Thanks. It would be easy to get an ethernet cable but my internet service is usually fine.

Another question: Does the Node multitask? In other words can I be listening to streaming on my hi-fi and my wife be listening to something else in another room?