Best Solution for Ultra Sonic Cleaning

Need some advice from the experts....

I decided to take the plunge and start doing ultrasonic cleaning of my records.   I purchased an ultrasonic tank and a vinyl spin kit, and now all I need to do is determine how to put together the best solution for cleaning.  I have read many of the posts regarding this topic, but I am still a little unclear about the right combination of ingredients.   I purchased some Triton X-100 for the surfacant.   Now I need to get the other ingredients.   Can the members who are experienced in this arena tell me the proper ingredients and percentages to put in my tank?    Most important thing for me to learn is exactly how many ml's of each ingredient to use in order to make up a 6 liter tank.   I know I need to use distilled water, plus isopropyl alcohol, plus the surfacant, but I don't know the correct amounts.  Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.   It is actually a pretty complicated process.....
Hi @rushton !

Rush's suggestions are spot on. If investing in a VPI or similar cost vacuum machine for drying are more than you'd like to spend, I built a manual spinning drying station that works as well as my VPI 16.5 did at a fraction of the cost. This thread includes Rush's link to the Positive Feedback article and later comments from him & users including mine about the DIY drying station.
Running the small pump to keep solution clean allows me to do 8-12 LPs at a time and have the tank ready at a moment's notice when I make another small purchase. You can go 50-60 LPs before needing to refresh the tank. Cheers,

If you go with Versa-Clean by , they are having a huge sale right now. I stocked up @ 83 % off.
I've just invested in a US cleaner, and completed adding a circulation filter yesterday, so the last piece of the puzzle is the cleaning solution.

HepaStat 256 seems to be discontinued, or at least unavailable in the UK at best, so I have been looking for an alternative to add the quats.  I've come across Selgiene, which is manufactured by Selden.  It costs (at this time) approx £10 for 5 litres and is described as food grade concentrated sanitiser (I am assuming this makes it likely to be safe for use on vinyl).  The product description includes "Selgiene is a blend of advanced quaternary ammonium biocides and amphoteric surfactant", so looks to tick the boxes in that regard. It also looks to have no dies or added fragrances (something I have read people objecting to in regards to HepaStat based on what I have read).

The problem is that I am no chemist, so would really welcome some educated feedback on using Selgiene.  It also appears to be weaker than HepaStat, with the composition detailed as 1%-5% on the COSHH datasheets (where as HepaStat runs to 8.7% on some ingredients).  I'm guessing this would require a higher amount to be added?

I'm looking to make batches of 10 litres and my current intended recipe (based on your formula Rushton) is;

  • DI Water
  • Isopropyl (91%)
  • Triton X-100
  • Selgiene
As well as to whether Selgiene is the best substitute for HepaStat that's readily available to me I need to work out the ratios of the above and also confirm if it also needs a separate wetting agent like Ilford Ilfotol - any help on any of these questions would also be very much appreciated!

My final concern is that given the USC is heated does the Isopropyl pose a risk in terms of flash point?  I'm struggling to understand its purpose in the mix from what I've read, so any insight as to if it is needed would also be very useful.

Based on what I have read / researched I am looking for the additives to the DI water to;

  • Break the surface tension of the DI Water to assist deep groove cleaning.
  • Break down any grease or other such contaminants.
  • Remove the static charge.
Ideally I'd like to use something that leaves no residue so a rinse is not necessary. 

Any help would be very much appreciated as I'm keen to get cleaning :-)