Nature of the current used speaker market

What do you think of the current market for used speakers above the $6,000 price point?  It seems to me like the market is soft, really soft, since I keep seeing the same speakers posted for sale over and over again by the same seller.  And these are top flight speakers from solid manufacturers such as Focal, B&W, Rockport, Sonus Faber, etc.  Does this mean the number of audiophiles and audio enthusiasts is on the wane, or is there just a glut of used speakers for sale out there? 
@ihasaguy, Assuming you meant to say 20.7, there are a pair on Audiogon right now with an asking price of $6995, I believe it is.
However, things are good for poor audiophiles and music lovers. There are decent sounding used $1k speakers and integrated amps and $200 cables.
Yes, Western middle class has been creating Asian one while disappearing in the process. This sacrifice and stupidity will not go down in history unnoticed, my audiophile comrades.
 @bdp24 The high gloss painted 5a ?... those took awhile.... maybe they were 5’s ?
the “modified” 5 a with the hacksaw fins on the sub amp scared me more...  
price is too high...thats why nobody buying...most of the prices I see can be gotten at a my guess is that dealers hoping they get a customer that isnt close to a dealer.
@tomic601, What you talkin' 'bout?! I'm talking about the used pair of Magnepan MG 20.7.