How to pre clean a very dirty LP before Ultrasound Machine?

Hi all,

Just had 750 of my LP's shipped from somewhere where they were stored in less than ideal environment..
A lot of mold, dust and what not...Not a pretty site...

So i ordered an Ultrasonic (V8) machine to start cleaning my collection.
However it seems to me they are WAY too dirty to be put in the Machine as is.

What is the way to give them a pre cleaning? Just rinse with tap water? wipe with a wet lint free optician cloth?

What's the advice?

I'm a huge proponent of steam cleaning. Been doing it for years even though I own a 16.5, Audio Desk, now a DIY US cleaner.
I use a SpinClean with distilled water and the proprietary detergent before the Ultrasonic.
+1 slaw. Taking a steam cleaner to them sounds faster. Especially if the were on dish drying racks. I'd only use distilled water in the steam cleaner.
why are you worried, that’s what a sonic cleaner is for. spin clean is not saving you anything, you’re going to use the same amount of distilled water cleaner and more time. I’ve putt some very dirty industrial parts in sonic cleaners, crusted with gunk ,baked on usually and they clean them nicely. Yes you need to change the water more often but you can also rinse after if needed to save time and D-water. You can let the cleaning water get surprisingly dirty if your rinsing after FYI. that rinse could be in a Spin clean too if you have one. no detergent in the rinse of course. oh one more thing particles tend to drop out of suspension in a sonic cleaner. (unless they are buoyant of course) 
I also been using steam cleaner with VPI and DIY ultrasonic for years. Be careful if buying one, don't buy the cheap ones at the end of there life span they will start to over heat the water and will or could damage your records. You could also look at Merrill record cleaner. I made a DIY one and it works very well, on bad mold dirty records,better to use it outside. It's a little messy. If you do DIY be sure to make a rubber gasket under pvc cap to protect label.