Which Amp to complete my system?

Need amp recommendations to complete my system.
Front end is PSA BHK + PSA DirectStream w/ net-bridge.  Speakers are Klipsch La Scala II.  Love horn speakers but want to ensure the amp is not additionally bright.
Those are nice speakers. Consider the Sophia Electric 300B mono blocks. You would have to spend a lot more money to equal that sound
I would think a nice class A ss amp, such as the Pass XA 25, would do wonderfully. I own Lascalas, modified and tweaked, and heard one 6 months ago through another pair of Lascalas. I was contacted by a  friend, who had a customer of his wanting his Lascalas modified, which I do ( horn damping, etc. ). I was totally engaged while listening. He had a CJ preamp and the system was cd based. I gave up on tubes quite a while ago ( for various reasons ), but I would never discourage another listener to do the same, especially with horns. I would be happy with the XA 25, and just might have to spring for one. Enjoy ! MrD.