SR Atmosphere level 2 RCA opinions

Earlier this year I went from MIT to SR cables, started with the core UEF and was pleased with the results.

I later upgraded to the Atmosphere level 1 RCA's and level 2 speaker, this was a noticeable upgrade.

These atmosphere cables brought out some tucked away resolution and a little bit of true vocal tonality I haven't heard.

I'm leaning on the fence of trying the level 2 RCA's but curious as to anyone who has gone down this path...was it a notable upgrade?

I'm after 2 pairs of RCA's so it's a little bit of a pricey jump but not terribly so. 

Would be from a SA8005> McCormack RLD-1-DNA-1 Ultra Platinum.

Any input is appreciated.

I do use Synergistic Research interconnects and each level does give more of the sonic qualities I want. If you have not tried the SR Blue Wall Outlets, I would consider ordering one and take advantage of the December special of getting a free Blue fuse for your McCormack.

The Blue outlet + Blue fuse is a great upgrade .

David Pritchard
Thanks David, I actually have the Furutech outlet now, but I do have two of the blue fuses at the moment.

Mains fuse for the RLD-1, as well as the mains fuse for the DNA-1. I heard the difference immediately with the DNA-1, the upper treble was cleaner, mainly vocals.

I swapped back twice to the stock fuse to make sure it wasn't the placebo effect...but the results were the same.

Unfortunately there are 7 fuses in the DNA-1.
I can empathize as the Marantz SA11S2 uses 6 fuses and I eventually upgraded them one fuse location at a time, starting with the main fuse first. The Synergistic Research Black fuse can be found at a lower cost and it still is a nice upgrade over a stock fuse. I do think the Furutech outlet and the SR Blue fuse complement each other very nicely.

David Pritchard