Tube info

Looking for suggestions for 12AU7 driver tubes in power amp. Looking for suggestions on NOS but affordable. Thank you in advance!
Have you decided on power tubes?

My experience is that they can make a bigger difference than the smaller tubes.  You can fine-tune your sound quality by mixing different qualities in the power tubes and the driver tubes.

FULL DISCLOSURE:  I occasionally sell tubes from my personal collection.  I can post a listing here if I have something that interests you.

I have several power tube options available, again depending upon your budget.

The premium European 12AU7s will likely be above your $30-$40 each budget.  The US options should be well below that.

 My experience is the opposite, the driver Tubes tend to make more difference when I’ve tried them. 
I have New issue Gold Lion KT-88’s that I bought for my Jolida amp. They have may 100 hrs on them. My understanding was also the driver tubes voice the amp the most. I was under the impression the output tubes have minimal sonic  effect. Once I get them built, I may hit you up. I won’t receive them until Thursday. Thank you for sharing. 
The Gold Lions are nice.

I have quads of GE, RCA, and Ken-Rad domestic and 2 different styles of RFT Germany 12AU7s that are under your budget.

I have some Sylvania and Raytheon pairs and trios, but no matched quads that would also be well below your budget.

My Amperex/Valvo/Mullard/Siemens/Tungsram varieties aren't going anywhere anytime soon.  ;~)
