PC+Dac or Streamer

As the CD sales is going down at my surrounding and no new albums on CD, planning to go streaming...Now the question is whether  quality of sound will be better on PC plus DAC or Streamer, I read in Linn's website that Streamer is better options but I see it is expensive, they are mentioning about convenience, controlling through phone or tablet, I am alright to walk to PC and select my paylist.
Would like to know if any gone through this road and selected which options, PC+Dac or Streamer
@mgrif104 It sounds like your issue is more of a networking issue than a Bluesound issue. When I moved to a new place where I couldn't run a long ethernet cable like I did before, I switched to wifi operation and because of the distance between audio room and the router, I had intermittent trouble. 
While not as good as the suggestion to run ethernet cable thru the house, in the interim, this might solve your wifi problem, it works for me.


Theoretically, I don't like the idea of making all the copper wiring part of my rig, but I feel like airborne wifi is probably worse sonically and certainly more troublesome in terms of stability of signal. Cheers,
mgrif104, FWIW I was using a simple laptop running jriver and outputting USB near the stereo and with my music files on a small portable HD.  Control was on my phone.  The sound was fine.  But I got a NAS so that I could centralize my music and also do programming and ripping from a desk-top.  However when accessing the music via wi-fi the SQ suffered.  So I did drill through a floor and set up an ethernet cable to the laptop.  Even though the cable goes through an ethernet to USB device at the laptop the sound is at least as good as originally, and probably better.  As usual YMMV.
@melm Exactly same story in my old place except my NAS replaced a MacMini with external drive. The NAS via ethernet to microRendu ethernet/USB to the same dac was a huge improvement. Friends have had similar experiences with a variety of PC/Mac setups all bettered by NAS setups.